Tags: Karelian shungite

Easy Ways to Distinguish Different Types of Shungite

Easy Ways to Distinguish Different Types of Shungite

Karelian_Heritage 29/03/2018 0
            There are two main types of shungite on the market: elite (or noble) shungite and regular shungite. The main difference between them is the amount of organic carbon stones contain. Rare elite shungite nuggets include over 90% of purest carbon and have more powerful healing energy.         High percentage of carbon makes elite crystals rarest, but extremely fragile type of shungite. It is hard to be shaped or polished. Therefore, noble shungite specimens are usually sold in their unique natural shape.          Most shaped shungite items like pyramids, spheres or beads are made of re...
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Where to Buy Shungite in UK?

Where to Buy Shungite in UK?

Karelian_Heritage 23/06/2017 3
        Since the popularity of shungite is currently on the rise, and people are becoming familiar with its protective and healing properties, the shungite market is continuously growing and expanding to new countries. The brightest example is the United Kingdom. A decade ago, hardly anyone there knew about this unique Karelian mineral and how useful shungite may be in our daily life. But today more and more companies from Britain wonder where to buy shungite in the UK to satisfy the demands of the customers.       Karelian Heritage Company, known as a reliable worldwide shungite supplier, ha...
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To the Heart of Shungite Lands

To the Heart of Shungite Lands

Karelian_Heritage 14/12/2016 0
      As you may know, the word “shungite” stems from the name of the Karelian village, Shunga, where the first and main shungite deposit is situated. Although this settlement became world-famous mainly thanks to shungite and its magic properties, it has long and rich history and many distinguishing features.          First and foremost, Shunga is one of the largest and oldest villages in the Zaonezhie (the Lake Onega area in the Republic of Karelia, Russia). First mentions about Shunga’s peasants were made in 1375.           It is interesting that more than a hundred years ago it was consider...
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Where to Buy Real Shungite: Karelian Heritage Advice

Where to Buy Real Shungite: Karelian Heritage Advice

Karelian_Heritage 03/06/2017 0
      Shungite is known all over the world thanks to its unique protective and healing properties. It is widely applied for water purification, EMF protection, chakra balancing, lithotherapy and other forms of physical and spiritual healing. But only authentic shungite stones will let you experience these numerous properties of the “stone of life” and bring positive changes. Therefore, everyone should know where to buy real shungite and how to find reliable shungite supplier. In this article you will find some advice from Karelian Heritage team.       Nowadays trying to increase their profits ...
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Shungite Origins: Where Does Your Shungite Come From?

Shungite Origins: Where Does Your Shungite Come From?

Karelian_Heritage 20/09/2019 1
         We all enjoy our magnificent shungite in all of its glory on a daily basis: we carry it around, wear it as jewelry or keep it at home as healing and protective decorations. However, as with any other natural resource, there is a lot of hard work put in every shungite stone so it could heal and joy us every day. From a moment it is excavated from the ground and then produced into a large array of goods to the notification on your phone that your shungite piece is delivered months or even years may pass. So if you ever wondered about the origin of your shungite stone or product, today w...
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The Story of the Most Unique, Yet Unknown Type of Shungite – Petrovsky Shungite

The Story of the Most Unique, Yet Unknown Type of Shungite – Petrovsky Shungite

Karelian_Heritage 03/09/2019 0
         Petrovsky shungite is one of three types of shungite, however it is not as well-known as regular shungite stones or elite shungite. Why is that? Well, obviously the former is most widespread and cheap, thus popular and the latter is rare and unique, thus it is in more demand. Hence, Petrovsky shungite found itself in a tricky situation, being between two giants of shungite spectrum. Which is pretty shocking, as Petrovsky shungite might actually be objectively the best of the bunch. Today we are taking closer look at this mysterious type of shungite which even we sometimes forget about...
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Karelian Heritage Editorial: Battle Stress During COVID Lockdown with Crystal Routine

Karelian Heritage Editorial: Battle Stress During COVID Lockdown with Crystal Routine

Karelian_Heritage 24/11/2020 0
       Hey, Pavel Kuznetsov here, long time no see! We were so busy after the first wave of COVID-19 and the first lockdown getting back to working routine and bouncing back from the stalemate of quarantine that there was no time for our favorite editorials, yet once I’ve decided to write a new one, the second wave of coronavirus and lockdown have arrived. And with them, new stresses of self-isolation and, sometimes, boredom, which we should always take into account while assessing and improving our mental health.       As usual, I have chosen crystal healing, my field of expertise, to deal wi...
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