Tags: crystal healing

Chakra Balancing: Healing Power of Shungite for Spiritual Development

Chakra Balancing: Healing Power of Shungite for Spiritual Development

Karelian_Heritage 23/06/2018 0
      Balanced root chakra is the foundation of our physical and mental health. Activation of this energy center is the first stage of spiritual development. Would like to be strong, empowered and stabilized? Bring miracle shungite stone into your life. What is root chakra?         Root chakra or Muladhara is your survival center locating at the base of the spine. It is the center of our body where all energy flows are initially raised. Root chakra connects you with the Earth being the source of life force, will and vitality. When it is balanced you feel safe and secure, all your basic needs a...
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Alternative Medicine: Crystal Healing with Shungite

Alternative Medicine: Crystal Healing with Shungite

Karelian_Heritage 22/06/2018 0
      Crystal healing is one of the most ancient alternative medicine techniques. It is widely applied to cure diseases accumulating positive energy and amplifying healing intentions with the power of crystals and stones. If you are thinking of experiencing alternative medicine, crystal healing is a great way to start.          There are hundreds of different healing crystals you may choose from. Each of them has its unique vibrations and curative properties. Although you should always choose the stones that you feel an attraction to, there are several must-haves for your crystal healing pract...
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The Fire that Doesn’t Burn: Does Shungite Store Negative Energy and What to Do With It?

The Fire that Doesn’t Burn: Does Shungite Store Negative Energy and What to Do With It?

Karelian_Heritage 14/08/2019 0
         Crystals that care about you should also be cared after. That is just a fact. That goes for anything we adore: we clean our house, support our car, etc. Crystal cleansing and charging is very important if you wish to continue to enjoy marvelous crystal properties and use their energy. And there are no exceptions: every crystal in the world should be cleansed and charged. Yet somehow, there is a misconception that there is no need to do it when it comes to our favorite, shungite. Today we are going to look at it closely and once and for all answer this question: Should you cleanse and ...
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Natural Shungite Healing Jewelry: Make It a Point

Natural Shungite Healing Jewelry: Make It a Point

Karelian_Heritage 23/06/2018 0
     Shungite have long been used in different healing rituals filling with energy, stimulating chakras and improving health. How to incorporate powerful vibrations of the stone into your daily life? Try out unique shungite stone jewelry made with love and charged with northern Karelian sun.   Benefits of handmade shungite jewelry: Personal EMF protection on a daily basis          Wearing natural shungite stone jewelry on a daily basis you will shield yourself from electro-magnetic radiation emitted by mobile phones, computers and numerous other gadgets we constantly use. Even minimalist shung...
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Crystal Colors Explained: What Colors Mean and Why They Matter

Crystal Colors Explained: What Colors Mean and Why They Matter

Karelian_Heritage 12/04/2019 2
        It is well-known that crystals get their colors from the different chemicals involved while the crystals are being formed. But the colors themselves influence the effect crystals have on us. It happens due to each colors’ different meanings and properties and also because different people experience different colors in their own way. You have probably heard that you do not choose a crystal, a crystal chooses you – the crystal that can and will help you will be the crystal that attracts you. If you need some help finding out what your favorite crystal color means and what it does, or if...
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How to Use Shungite Harmonizers

How to Use Shungite Harmonizers

Karelian_Heritage 10/02/2018 0
        Shungite harmonizers are known as the best shungite items for meditation and spiritual healing. These healing shungite rods help to maintain the balance of energy flows, normalize all the proccesses in human body and achieve harmony.     Pairs of harmonizers are usually made of two different stones symbolizing two opposite energy poles. In case of shungite (the Yin-harmonizer) stimulating lower part of our energetic body, the opposite stone is tullikivi (the Yang - harmonizer) balancing the upper part.     Shungite harmonizers not only balance the bio field and activate the Chakras the...
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7 Potent Shungite Crystal Pairings to Boost Healing Energy

7 Potent Shungite Crystal Pairings to Boost Healing Energy

Karelian_Heritage 05/04/2018 2
       Healing crystals are believed to raise the vibrations of each other when they come together. Some stones become supercharged under the influence of another as all their properties are enhanced. But it is necessary to know what stones and minerals complement and amplify the energy of one another. Here is our simple guide to shungite crystal pairings that will bring you to the next level of crystal healing.  SHUNGITE + GARNET = ENERGIZING DUO Enhances: stability and protection       This crystal pairing is widely known for its high protective capacity. Garnet will fill you with courage an...
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