Elite Shungite

<h1>Elite Shungite</h1>

        Shungite stones can be divided into three types depending on the content of carbon in it. Type III and type II shungite is usually called regular shungite stone and they contain from 30 to 50 per cent of carbon and from 50 to 90 per cent of carbon respectively. Type I shungite is called noble or elite shungite and it contains from 90 to 98 per cent of organic carbon in it. Elite shungite nuggets have shiny silvery surfaces and have a high energetic potential due to the high percentage of carbon. The deposits of elite shungite are extremely scarce and elite shungite amounts for less than one per cent of all shungite found. It is usually digged carefully by individuals in the rocks while types II and III shungite are more available for an industrial digging in the quarries.

        Elite shungite stones appear to be a perfect natural healer and energy stabilizer. The nuggets of this stone are frequently sold in its original form since they are very fragile. You can have an elite shungite nugget near your working space or a bed while sleeping in order to provide a comprehensive protection against geopathic influence or you can have a small elite shungite nugget in your pocket or a small jewelry item to protect yourself from the electro-magnetic frequency (EMF) radiation effect in your everyday life. Besides, elite shungite has proven to have a powerful energetic field to help you keep your body and soul in harmony and you can use small elite shungite nuggets in order to make an energized shungite water to keep yourself healthy and balanced.

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