Shungite 101

      Find out all the things you should know about shungite before you start working with it. Look through the posts to get the basic information about this healing stone, its origin, properties and main features.

Karelian Heritage Editorial: How I Made My Home a Better Place with the Help of Shungite

Karelian Heritage Editorial: How I Made My Home a Better Place with the Help of Shungite

Karelian_Heritage 20/03/2020 0
       So, winter is finally out of the gates, even though it was hardly winter at all. And I talk from experience, after all, I’ve spent nearly 30 previous winters here in Karelia, and this time I didn’t even have to put my warmest clothes on (that’s the one that is even warmer than regular parkas and fur shoes). Instead of usual extreme cold and snow blizzards this year we’ve got wet, mud, rains and occasional snow that felt like manna and a breath of fresh air. In Russia!       So yeah, nobody is really happy with this winter and it actually feels like it hit people more than usual. Lack of...
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Shungite’s Secret: A One-of-a-Kind Molecule

Shungite’s Secret: A One-of-a-Kind Molecule

Karelian_Heritage 01/11/2019 0
         The popularity of shungite can be explained by a lot of factors: it is beautiful, crystal healing is on the rise, it has been a subject of different studies and has proven to be effective, etc. But there is one reason which can outshine all the rest – it is truly unique. You cannot find another combination of the healing and protective properties of such magnitude in one rock on this planet. It can neutralize electro-magnetic fields and other radioactive waves, it filters water, restores damaged tissue, battles numerous diseases, etc. And for all of that we can thank unique atomic str...
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EMF 101: Everything You Need to Know

EMF 101: Everything You Need to Know

Karelian_Heritage 29/05/2020 0
         We love to stress pretty often that shungite is a great means of EMF protection, yet some people know little to nothing about it even after years of hearing about it. Thus, words like “harm of EMF” or “danger of EMF” can just slip through without our attention. But if you are curious what is EMF, how it works and why are we so obsessed about shielding ourselves from it with shungite properties, then this article is definitely for you. Today we are going to go deep into the world of EMF and tell you all about it.  It’s in the name         EMF is an abbreviation that means “electromagn...
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Who Helped Your Dog Out?! Shungite Tips for Your Pets

Who Helped Your Dog Out?! Shungite Tips for Your Pets

Karelian_Heritage 07/02/2020 0
         Shungite is one of the best tools of comprehensive crystal healing, which may improve your health, your mood and help you achieve your spiritual goals. And it is not only metaphysical properties shungite possesses – there is a handful of very physical ones, which are studied all the time. Shungite’s chemical composition is no secret, so we do know for a fact, that shungite consists of a plethora of healthy elements, such as carbon, calcium, iron, zinc, etc. This combination gives us a lot in terms of health when we treat ourselves with different shungite products. And we can always us...
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Let's Clear This Out: What is Shungite? Rock or Mineral?

Let's Clear This Out: What is Shungite? Rock or Mineral?

Karelian_Heritage 22/02/2019 0
       You might have noticed that when we talk about our favorite shungite, we use different terms to address it from time to time. Mostly we use words like stone, rock, mineral or crystal. This diversity may cause some confusion, especially among geology or mineralogy experts, and we would lie to you if we said that we don’t get confused ourselves sometimes. So we have decided to end this ambiguity once and for all and sort out different terms that surround shungite.       First of all we should start with the most neutral word in our geological glossary, which is the word “stone”. We can na...
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Essential Shungite Stone Benefits and Properties

Essential Shungite Stone Benefits and Properties

Karelian_Heritage 25/08/2021 0
      Shungite stone is a massively effective healing tool and it is used by a large amount of people around the world for various purposes. That immense popularity comes from natural shungite healing and protective properties. However, healing and protection are not the only tasks which shungite is capable of achieving.       Thanks to fullerenes, a unique type of molecules with a special atomic bond, shungite crystal is able to give you its many benefits. Fullerenes occur extremely rare in nature, that is why shungite properties stand out so much from every other crystal’s properties. If you...
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To Great and Small: Shungite Healing for All Ages

To Great and Small: Shungite Healing for All Ages

Karelian_Heritage 17/04/2020 0
         Shungite is a marvelous tool of crystal healing and protection, aside from being a magnificently beautiful black stone. We are glad to see that more and more people hop on the train of shungite really, and we are always happy to tell all the newcomers about powerful shungite properties. Whether you have just joined us or already have been a devoted shungite enthusiast for some time now, you are probably looking for new ways to use shungite, just as we do. Well, today we will give you a snippet of that. We have decided to think about how shungite can help different generations of peopl...
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