So, EMF (or electromagnetic fields, if you already don’t know) remains our topmost everyday danger but there isn’t much what we actually do about it. It seems that media have forgotten that this problem even exists and official healthcare also isn’t in a hurry to address the matter with some effective EMF antidote or reflector. That is why I have decided to butt in with my vast knowledge and experience with EMF and 5G radiation protection with shungite – everyone’s favorite stone here at Karelian Heritage. Today I am going to talk about the threat of EMF and how you can shield yourself from various devices around you.
The human beings of today are just not the same as the human beings a hundred years ago, and that is just a fact. Our bodies are under a constant outside influence, and through those influences we tend to evolve and mutate. And with the coming of industrial revolution, electricity became a major factor in our lives, and it is another of those influences through electromagnetic waves. So when our ancestors could at least find a shelter from these waves at home hundred years ago (well, mine probably fought in the Russian Civil war, but you get the idea), we constantly experience electromagnetic radiation and in our case there is no shelter.
I mean, right now I am only couple of centimeters away from a laptop, my smartphone is in my pocket, fitness tracker on my wrist (like I actually care what it shows me at the end of the day), – if my chair had some sort of electric massage function I would be a filling in an electromagnetic sandwich. And all of that leaves a mark, even if it is an invisible one. You never want to think at the age of 65: “Goddammit, my laptop was trying to kill me all my life and it finally did it!”. Or imagine a tombstone that says: “His phone was his silent killer”. But today we can take precautionary steps to shield ourselves and our loved ones from ever-increasing threat of EMF. And for me, these steps include shungite all the way.
You might ask me, why shungite? Well, aside from professional bias, I am born and raised in Petrozavodsk, the capital of Karelia, which is a home of shungite, as you probably know, and I still live here. And growing up, I always knew about shungite, but I had doubts about its properties. I mean, I was a kid, I had troubles believing math is real. However, as time went by I started to notice, how much attention shungite gets from scientific community in Karelia. It is actually hard not to notice it, since there is a monument to shungite in the middle of the city. The Academy of Sciences in Karelia spent many years studying in and there are most of shungite’s properties knowledge was established there, including its ability to cleanse water and block EMF. And after years of experience with shungite, I can certainly say that it is one of the most effective ways to shield yourself from this negative influence.
So let’s go into little bit more detail on how you can battle EMF which is radiated from our everyday devices.
- Smartphones. The bless and the curse of the 21st century, I certainly get people who cannot live without it, even though it might just be the most dangerous source of EMF and 5G. I use shungite phone plate on my phone and it is really the most basic thing when it comes to shungite EMF protection. And it is so minimalistic, which goes perfect with modern phone designs, especially if you have a black one. It doesn’t interrupt the work of your phone, but dramatically diminishes the amount of EMF from your phone, tablet or laptop (yes, you can stick it to anything).
- Desktop devises. PC or Mac, desktop or laptop, they are all large sources of EMF, especially if they are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi. I make sure that I always have a large shungite piece while I’m working or playing games. And that’s the thing about shungite – it comes in many shapes and sizes, so don’t worry, your workspace, won’t resemble a stonemason hut. The diversity of shungite decorative items is amazing and you can always pick something that will fit your interior. I am personally a pyramid person, but to each his own.
- Fitness trackers and smart watches. I did get succumbed by this trend and I really enjoy this stuff. However, the question of the day is “What about EMF?” And I found the simplest and the most awesome solution how you can counter EMF from these devices: shungite bracelets! Again, diversity of shungite bracelets is tremendous and they are mostly unisex, so I never go jogging without my elite shungite bracelet.
- There are also subjects of overall personal and household protection. Even if you make sure that you covered all of your gadgets, there is still an outside world, where not everyone cares about EMF and 5G. So it is best to carry small shungite stones with you daily, and it is even simpler for the ladies with the amount of shungite jewelry we are offering. And have several shungite items at home – you never know what outside EMF can do to your home environment.
So those are my thoughts on EMF and how I prefer to battle it with shungite. If you have any questions about shungite or if you want to hear my opinion on some topic, connected with shungite, crystal healing or alternative medicine, leave a comment and I will do my best to address them later. After all, I am madly in love with shungite and wish to share this love with other shungite or crystal healing enthusiasts. Love shungite and make sure that you do the simplest thing and protect yourself from the harm of EMF!
- Pavel Kuznetsov, Karelian Heirtage editor