Shungite’s Secret: A One-of-a-Kind Molecule

Posted by Karelian_Heritage 01/11/2019 0 Comment(s) Shungite 101,Miscellaneous,



        The popularity of shungite can be explained by a lot of factors: it is beautiful, crystal healing is on the rise, it has been a subject of different studies and has proven to be effective, etc. But there is one reason which can outshine all the rest – it is truly unique. You cannot find another combination of the healing and protective properties of such magnitude in one rock on this planet. It can neutralize electro-magnetic fields and other radioactive waves, it filters water, restores damaged tissue, battles numerous diseases, etc. And for all of that we can thank unique atomic structure of shungite, which consists of fullerenes.




        Fullerenes are the atoms of carbon which are formed in a unique way – most often the molecules are modeled to look like a football ball (that’s a “soccer ball” for our transatlantic friends). Due to this weird shape, fullerenes are often called “buckyballs” in scientific community. Basically, it is a molecule in which atoms are connected in hexagons, which later are connected with each – thus the football comparison, as it is made with hexagonal patches. However, it is not always in the shape of a ball, fullerenes can form into carbon nanotubes (in which case it would be called “buckytubes”) and nested closed fullers are referred to as “buckyonions”. The “buck-“ part in all of these nicknames, as well as the name “fullerenes” itself, are, of course, references to the architect Buckminster Fuller, whose style was close to the visual representation of fullerene molecule.


Enter Shungite


        Since fullerenes were first discovered in 1985 through tests and experiments, scientists of the University of Sussex were craving to find it in a natural environment. They finally stoke their luck in 1992, when, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Karelia became open to the outside world alongside the rest Russia. Shungite was introduced that year to the Western scientific community and it quickly caught the attention of the scientists when it was discovered that the whole structure of a single shungite stone consists of fullerenes. This discovery, along with other advancements in fullerene studies lead the team of the University of Sussex (Harold Kroto, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley) to winning the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996. This way, shungite left its legacy in history and science that year and proved to be a unique stone among the scientists, though that knowledge will slowly spread into masses in following 20 years.


I mean, what’s the deal with these fullerenes?


        Fullerenes possess a huge amount of positive properties which they bring to the table through shungite. Physically, fullerenes provide for shungite’s heat/cold preservation which makes it a go-to element in agriculture and home decoration. It has massive antibacterial and filtering capabilities, that is why we use shungite when it comes to water purification and apply it to wounds. Shungite water also has an antioxidant property thanks to fullerenes and can target free radicals in addition to anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects. Fullerenes activate our metabolism and slow down aging processes in our body. Overall, the properties provided by fullerenes help to maintain all the systems of our body and treat a large number of diseases and ailments. Another large chunk of fullerenes’ properties is aimed at protection from negative influences in the environment – namely EMF and 5G radiation. With shungite, you can always shield yourself from it and effectively diminish its harm.


The national treasure


        With the Noble prize and ever-growing popularity, shungite became something of a Karelian treasure. Here, in Republic of Karelia in a heart of Russian North, everybody knows what shungite is and how it can help you. In 1996, right after scientists from the University of Sussex won the Nobel Prize, in appreciation for shungite’s input in their victory, in the center of Petrozavodsk (the capital of Karelia) the monument to fullerene was opened on top of a fountain. The monument, which is situated in front of another university, the Petrozavodsk State University, became a popular place among the citizens and today is referred to simply as “the molecule”. So today we are always only a couple of blocks away from the largest fullerene molecule in the world =)


        So that is for the reason why shungite is truly a unique and one-of-a-kind stone in the world. Fullerenes will always do their best to shield you from negative influences and keep you healthy. Purchase shungite for comprehensive crystal healing and protection!

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