Crystal healing

      Poweful energy and unique properties of shungite make it perfectly suitable for different crystal healing practices. This black stone helps people to maintain health and harmony through meditaion, yoga, reiki healing and many other techniques. Read the articles and find out how to incorporate shungite crystal healing properties into your daily life.

Egyptian Postures of Power with Shungite Harmonizers

Egyptian Postures of Power with Shungite Harmonizers

Karelian_Heritage 18/02/2019 0
       As you may have learned already, the use of shungite might benefit a number of traditional sacred practices. It is great for Chakra balancing and meditations; it is a great spiritual addition to traditional Celtic runes and symbols or Feng Shui system. That may be due to the fact that the shungite itself is an ancient stone and it has deep connection to the Earth and all the living beings on it. The energy of the Earth plays a huge role in all of these beliefs and practices so it is easy to see how shungite is able to benefit these different practices. Today we will look at another cult...
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Find your own balance with shungite: 4 helpful meditation techniques

Find your own balance with shungite: 4 helpful meditation techniques

Karelian_Heritage 07/03/2019 0
 The balance of things around us is a key to a fruitful livelihood, it indeed is.  There are no more absolute rights or wrongs and everything is relative. There is no more black - white, good – evil, light side – dark side choices in life and we can shape our choices according to our own handbook of rules. Yet with all this personal freedom and decisions we can find ourselves lost in the vastly strict society of men and women. That is when we should not forget about balance to keep in touch with reality and keep your emotions, ambitions and spirituality in check.       Finding balance brings i...
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Crystal Care Routine: Cleanse Crystals with Shungite

Crystal Care Routine: Cleanse Crystals with Shungite

Karelian_Heritage 30/11/2018 5
                 What is the first thing to do when you get a new crystal? How to get the most out of crystal vibrations on a regular basis and avoid unfavorable energy they collect? It is all about cleansing. Deep energy cleaning is crucial for every stone and crystal and should be inherent part of crystal owners’ routine.        There are lots of ways to cleanse your crystals from quite simple sunlight or moonlight rituals to more advanced techniques including intentional breath or visualization. One of the new but popular practices is so-called crystallized cleansing. It implies purifying y...
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A Guide to Healing Stone Massage with Shungite

A Guide to Healing Stone Massage with Shungite

Karelian_Heritage 08/12/2018 0
      For some people massage is a vital procedure for a healthy lifestyle and for everyone it is a simple and quick practice to prevent various illnesses and increase longevity. Of course, humanity knows hundreds of different styles and techniques of massage, with different emphases and effectiveness. We are mostly interested in stone massage, so today we will tell you all about the efficiency of stone massage and why it is important to use our favorite shungite stones to achieve great results. What is the Stone massage?        Stone massage, which is kind of obvious from its name, is a form ...
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Don’t Lose Yourself: Grounding Explained!

Don’t Lose Yourself: Grounding Explained!

Karelian_Heritage 18/12/2019 0
         The ever-growing fast pace of modern life can become a drag if we fail to do something about it. Stress, anxiety, depression – all these and many more problems are constantly lurking around us waiting to attack when we are unprotected. And in the end all of that can lead to serious health problems, both mental and physical. That is why it is important to find our footing and awareness, which will help us to better assess our current state, relax and deal with our problems. One way to do is through grounding. However, the subject of grounding is still mysterious and misunderstood, so t...
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Crystals Against Alcoholism and Addictions: Help Yourself Naturally!

Crystals Against Alcoholism and Addictions: Help Yourself Naturally!

Karelian_Heritage 09/08/2020 0
        Human beings are often prone to some kind of destructive behavior – and it usually is expressed in the form of addictions or obsessions. These kinds of behavior usually allow people to forget themselves in time of hardships and stress, and it is understandable why people tend to get caught in constant smoking, alcoholism or, in the most extreme cases – drug addictions. Yet even if we do understand this behavior (we are all humans, after all), we don’t really justify it. Smoking and drinking have both short-term and long-term health effects which are destructive for our health and that ...
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Shungite in Spa and Wellness Centers: Relaxation, Health and Happiness

Shungite in Spa and Wellness Centers: Relaxation, Health and Happiness

Karelian_Heritage 11/04/2017 3
      Spa or wellness center is a place where you can improve your health, relax and escape the rat race and other stresses of everyday life. Spa experts apply numerous methods and tools to re-energize your body and soul. One of the most popular treatments nowadays is lithotherapy. Lithotherapy implies the usage of different minerals and crystals including shungite for physical, psychological and spiritual healing.         Due to its unique therapeutic properties, powerful vibrations and energy shungite is the perfect solution for lithotherapy. This mineral is widely applied in spa and wellnes...
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