The Compact Guide to Chakras and Easy Ways to Balance Them

Posted by Karelian_Heritage 25/01/2017 0 Comment(s) Chakra balancing,

      Have you ever felt that you are completely exhausted and cannot feel the life as it is? Probably, all these problems are connected with chakras which are also called as ‘the energy batteries’ for people. If you do not care about them, you can often feel the lack of energy.



      Alhtough many people know a word ‘chakra’, they do not know what it actually means. Consequently, they do not know how to balance them. So, what is the chakra?meditation-with-crystals-for-chakra-balancing


      The word ‘chakra’ stems from the Sanskrit and literally means ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’. By definition, this word usually implies the human body center in which life energy of ‘prana’ flows through. Every center corresponds with a particular part of a body, the functioning of certain organs and certain abilities of a person.


      Some people say that they do not have chakras or they have not all of them. However, it is not true. Everyone has seven chakras: five of them are located along the spine column and two of them – in the head. The chakras are not only responsible for the functioning of a certain part of human body, but also provide connection of this part with the outer world. Moreover, the first five chakras are connected with a particular Earth element – earth, air, fire, water or ether.


Introduction to each Chakra:


      The names of the chakras are Muladhara, Svadisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Visuddha, Anja and Sahasrara. Now let us get to know more about each of them and some problems, which may appear if certain type of chakra is out of balance.


  • The first chakra, Muladhara, or Root chakra, is located in the base of spine. It is connected with the earth element. If it is blocked the main signs are weight gain (or loss), depression, anxiety, stress and exhaustion.
  • Svadisthana (Sacral or Pelvic chakra) lies at the lower belly and inner pelvis. This chakra is associated with water, and when it is out of balance, a person can suffer chronic low back pain, various reproductive problems, addiction and lack of creative energy.
  • The third chakra is Manipura, or Navel chakra. It is situated at the navel and linked with the fire element. If this chakra is unbalanced, you may experience eating disorders, ulcers and diabetes as well as aggressive behavior or neediness, and lack of direction or self-esteem.
  • After Manipura goes Anahata (Heart chakra), which is located at the heart. Anahata chakra is associated with air. When it is out of alignment, it leads to problems with blood pressure, poor circulation and lung problems or some mental issues such as isolation.
  • The fifth chakra is called Visuddha (Throat chakra). This chakra is connected with ether and situated at the throat. The blocking of Visuddha chakra may cause sore throat, thyroid problems, neck and shoulder pain as well as poor communication.
  • The next chakra is Anja or Third Eye chakra which is linked with light. Consequently, it lies at the invisible third eye placement. As a result of unbalancing of this chakra, a person can experience problems with vision, headaches, migraines or mental confusion.
  • The last at the ladder of chakras is Sahasrara (Crown) chakra. It is located out of the body, above the crown of the head and associated with the element of thought. If Sahasrara chakra is out of balance, the main problems are confusion, inability to function practically or a lack of connection to the world.


Chakra balancing methods:


      Undoubtedly, there is no person who has never experienced at least one of these problems. That is why, there are several ways to balance your chakras which do not require a lot of money, time or special experience. At the same time, these methods demand your efforts and desire to be healthy, balanced and full of energy.



      The first and probably the most well-known way of chakra balancing is yoga. In Sanskrit, word ‘yoga’ means ‘connection’. This word includes many definitions, but the broadest one defines yoga as a set of practices for physical, mental and spiritual health. The most popular practices include asanas (physical exercises), pranayamas (breathing), chanting mantras and various forms of meditation. Consequently, each type of chakra can be balanced with the help of certain asanas, pranayamas and mantras.


      Apart from yoga, each chakra can be kept in balance with the help of aromatherapy. That is why, you can use different essential oils in order to maintain your physical and spiritual health. Various plants and flowers, which compose a particular oil, help to harmonize the work of chakras and increase the person’s level of energy in general.


      Another attractive method to keep chakras in balance is food. It is very exciting to compose your menu, basing not only on your preferences but also on ingredients and condiments, which are necessary for certain type of chakra. Another important point is that it is not only about ingredients, but also about the way of cooking (alchemic operation) which is connected with the Earth element of each chakra.


      Moreover, it is noteworthy that each chakra is associated with its own colour: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet (or white) respectively. That is why, according to the colour and other properties each chakra can be kept in balance with the help of stones and minerals. For example, shungite and other black minerals are used for the balancing of the Root chakra.


      Thus, if you have ever experienced one of the problems which have been listed above do not wait the moment of their increasing – start to balance your chakras today.


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